Friday, April 24, 2009

Vive hoy!

Muere lentamente quien no viaja, quien no lee.

Muere lentamente quien destruye su amor propio, quien no se deja ayudar.

Muere lentamente quien se transforma en esclavo del hábito repitiendo todos los días los mismos trayectos, quien no cambia de marca, no se atreve a cambiar de color de su vestimenta o bien no conversa con quien no conoce.

Muere lentamente quien evita una pasión y su remolino de emociones, justamente éstas que regresan el brillo a los ojos y restauran los corazones destrozados.

Muere lentamente quien no gira el volante cuando no está feliz con su trabajo, o su amor, quien no arriesga lo cierto ni lo incierto para ir atrás de un sueño. Quien no se permite ni una vez en su vida huir de los consejos sensatos.

¡Vive hoy! ¡Arriesga hoy! ¡Hazlo hoy! ¡No te dejes morir lentamente! ¡No te impidas ser feliz!

Pablo Neruda

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

...o es la persona...

Recibo varios mails con el título ¿SU EMPRESA ESTÁ EN CRISIS?. Y al verlos caer en la bandeja de entrada, pienso... ¿NO SERÁ LA PERSONA LA QUE ESTÁ EN CRISIS?
No puedo imaginar como alguno de los aturdidos por esa frase van a considerar el contenido de ese e-mail, e incluso leerlo... llamarán después al SALVADOR?
O lo que sea que se esconde detrás de el! Porque dudo que la pregunta sea para reirse del afectado, más bien será para atraerle hacia una posible solución.
Y el que los envia... el que ha pensado dicho eslogan... realmente CREE tener una solución para la crisis de cada empresa? O sencillamente piensa rasgarle los bolsillos hasta que caiga la última calderilla?
Los tiempos de crisis agudizan el ingenio. Yo añadiría... y reavivan las creencias. Si se retroalimentan... creo que no vamos bien.
Parto de la base de que cualquier creencia es limitadora... y una util herramienta de manipulación, en manos de los que no tienen escrúpulos.
Es tiempo de revisión. Es tiempo de personas. Es tiempo de humildad, de diálogo, de color blanco.
A mi me encanta recibir mensajes del tipo TE QUIERO POR QUE SI!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The examined life.

Socrates, after learning that the oracle named him the wisest of all, he went in search throughout different notorious Athenians for someone that was wiser. He was convinced that he was ignorant and had nothing to teach, since he was certain that he had "no wisdom great or small." After his journey seeking a wiser man, he realized that he had a wisdom that the others did not had; an open understanding of his own ignorance.
What I believe he found out in his searching, is that an individual can never know enough, that is why he felt ignorant, for the lack of all the things he still had to encounter and experience in his life; The sense that one life is not enough to comprehend the things around us. Wasn't he correct then to defend his cause? To talk to young people about what they can expect from life once they open their minds and listen deeply to what it can come up out of them? Well, if we look back in history, we will realize that he in fact was more than correct. It is true that sometimes thoughts and ideas have turned into uncontrollable facts, but the important part is that those first ideas were developed and searched for. Those ideas, good or bad, have made the world we live on the way it is nowadays. Some things are good some things are bad, but the advancement and development we have reached today, would not have been possible if the people in the past had not been able to open up their minds and question what was around them, as Socrates did.
Many psychological concerns have raised the last century. If we look into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, we will find a large list of psychological disorders. Many of those like depression or stress did not occur in the past. Perhaps here, is where we can understand the point of the 'Greater Goods Defense'. To leave the suppression behind and reach to the collective intellect that we have accomplished in this era, perhaps it is true that the world had to go through a series of catastrophic events. We indeed need types of evil in order to achieve a greater good and mental awakening. I find myself the 'Greater Goods Defense' theory to be right if I apply it in my life. Looking back, there are many situations that I would change willingly, but I wonder at the same time that if I erase them out of my past life, would I be today in the mental state that I am right now? Without those bad experiences and bad choices would I be the woman that I love looking back at the mirror? The answer is probably no. Those facts in my life had pushed me to search within and beyond. I am still in the path to comprehend all those questions I have in my head, but I am certain that without the suffering, I would not be here today writing this essay in a foreign language in a foreign country.
Can we say that a general mental awakening made the individuals to shift? Looking back, before the so called "awakening era", people would mostly live to survive. They work and follow orders as it was told by a few. They just simply went on with their lives without realizing that they did matter in the plane they were living. The world was a playground for a few and a path to follow for others. Once the feeling of possible mental and expression feeling was spread, there was no way back. We still live in societies where we have to follow certain rules, but the freedom of expression is granted by law. Catching up with those who started to wonder basic philosophical questions, we find ourselves in the 21st century with the same questions. We have the courage and means to ask ourselves what is the purpose of life, or if there is really a God, or if there is life after death... All these doubts nowadays are possible for us to have them and seek out for answers because of people like Socrates encouraged the population to explore beyond the words we hear, and to question our own, or another's ideas.
Socrates' philosophical discussion it is a truth reveled. There is a transcendent moment in my life in which all became clearer and started to make sense to me. Hinduism argued all types of psychological and philosophical questions centuries ago. Their knowledge about how the mind works, therefore, how we human beings behave, is rich in splendor. Their ability to direct the mind without distraction and interruption is accessible to every human being. They argue that understanding the way the mind works, we can control the obstacles that prevent us from recognizing things as they really are. This knowledge is the key to have a clear mind and be able to search within yourself not for given answers, but for answers yet to come. I find Socrates' thinking and Hinduism parallel to each other. Both searched for a unique truth by looking within one self and through reflection as a tool to become more aware of the positions we take in this world. As more you comprehend yourself and others, as more aware you are of everything.
Can someone then not understand that an "unexamined life is not worth living"? I see people walking on the streets, people working fifteen hours a day inside a cubicle, people that do not dare to cry, people that do not love, people that have deeper interactions with a TV than with a person, people that complain and do nothing to change. Those people are the ones that do not understand that an "unexamined life is not worth living".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hasta siempre Manel

Llevo dias batiendo en mi mente este mensaje, de tanto recordar y recordarte.
Acabo de saber que por fin elegiste abandonar tu cuerpo y no puedo más que en silencio escribir bellas palabras.
Estés donde estés, quiero recordarte como lo que has sido en mi vida.
Asombrado testigo e ingenuo cómplice del cambio de rumbo, un momento tan bello como dificil para mí, cargado de vibraciones, de color, y de amor. Allí estabas tu, con cara de alucinado, sentados los tres en la habitación, mirándonos y riendo. Conversaciones a media tarde en la terraza de la baronía, inspiradas por las manchas de una pared o la forma de las nubes. Celebramos el amor, la locura y la libertad, tantas veces como nos fue posible.
Tantas veces se abrió la puerta roja para dejar pasar esa sonrisa de oreja a oreja y esos ojos brillantes que portabas, nen. Y después fué la puerta verde y más tarde fue la de color cerezo, la que se dejaba atravesar por la grandeza de tu alma. A veces, como el rio Guadiana aparecías y desaparecías, pero siempre estabas con nosotros, lo sabes, siempre como el primer dia. Y decidiste formar tu hogar en Zaragoza, y nos hiciste complices del amor en tu vida, y seguimos compartiendo ilusiones y buenos momentos.
Allí dejas la huella más grande que un hombre podría dejar, y que debe saber que seguirás con nosotros por siempre, con la mirada brillante del primer dia, de amor, de ilusión, de bondad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

El concursante

Leonardo Sbaraglia, Myriam Gallego, Chete Lera, Myriam De Maeztu, Fernando Cayo, Luis Zahera.